We transform waste into wellness
One Garden at a Time
GWM utilizes a breakthrough composting technology to quickly convert massive amounts of green waste into high-nutrient growing media without the risk of fire, odors or greenhouse gas production.
Eligible Waste Types
Grass Clippings
Branches & Twigs
Fruits & Vegetable
Wood Chips
Pine Needles
Coffee Grounds
Flower & Plants
Hay & Straws
Paper Towels
Tea Bags
Wine Corks
The U.S. Generates Over 100 Million Tons of Green Waste Each Year
Growing Problem
The growing accumulation of green waste in the U.S. poses a significant environmental challenge due to its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and the increasing risks of wildfires. A green waste piles up, it decomposes anaerobically, releasing methane—a potent greenhouse gas—into the atmosphere. Despite the urgency, the lack of scalable and cost-effective composting solutions exacerbates the problem.
Large Scale Composting is Slow, Costly & Laden With Risk
Composting at the scale required to manage the growing green waste problem presents significant challenges, making it an impractical solution. Large-scale composting is resource-insensitive, requiring vast amounts of land, labor, and time to properly manage the process. The need for frequent turning, aeration, and moisture control adds to the complexity and cost. Managed compost piles can take anywhere from 6 months to years to transform.
Industry-Changing Solution
Accelerated Composting Technology Reduces Cost, Risk and Time
Leveraging the MicroSnap Accelerated
Composting Technology, chipped green waste is converted into nutrient-rich soil within just 6-8 weeks. This process requires no turning, retains
over 90% of the initial mass, and prevents the release of harmful gases. Projects can be implemented at scale to make truly positive
impact on the green waste industry and problem.
New Southern California Collection Location Opening 4th Quarter of 2024
Service Industries
Drop-off is Simple & Low Cost
GWM works with public waste collection agencies and municipalities to process their overflow swiftly and safely. Chipped waste is transported to a GWM collection site for processing. Municipalities are eligible for discount programs on GWM soil products.
Private Collection Services
GWM serves as an affordable deposit site for eligible materials existing collection sites that have reached capacity can take advantage of the fast processing time of GWM, which means space is continually freed up to accept more waste.
Construction & Cleanup Companies
GWM accepts non-chemically treated wood scraps and waste from construction sites and disaster cleanup efforts.
GWM accepts small loads of green waste on a pro-rated basis.
Contact us.
Have a question? Get in touch.
Please use the form on the right to drop us a line, whether it’s a general inquiry or an opportunity for collaboration, we are ready to connect and look forward to hearing from you!
Let’s connect and make a better change.
E-Mail: info@gwm.llc Office: (800) 453-3040 Fax: (858) 898-4118
468 N. Camden Drive, Suite 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90210